In the middle of summer, cold days and nights are the last things that most people want to think about.

Yet the first frost of the year always arrives quicker than expected, so it is never too early to begin making sure your home is ready for winter.

For many people, winter means expensive oil heat bills. This can be extra challenging for people on tight incomes. It also means that many people feel that they need to choose between staying warm and saving money.

But what if it doesn’t have to be like that?

Keep reading for 5 steps you can take that will help you stay warm without wasting your hard-earned money.

1. Seal Any Drafts

Have you ever walked into a room and noticed that it was several degrees colder than the rest of the house? There is most likely a draft in the room.

To find it, you can perform an incense test. Light an incense stick and stand next to your doors and windows. If the smoke shifts, you have a draft.

Aside from doors and windows, drafts are also often found around bathroom and kitchen vents and electrical outlets.

Attics are another common place where heat loss occurs, so make sure your attic is properly insulated.

Closing curtains at nighttime will provide some extra insulation. For other drafts, consider using a rolled towel to keep your heat from escaping, or look into weather stripping and caulking.

How much can you save from sealing drafts? According to the U.S. Department of Energy, eliminating drafts can cut your costs by 5-30%.

Enjoy the warmth and the potential savings by plugging up your home’s leaks!

2. Turn Down Your Thermostat at Certain Times

One obvious trick for saving on heating oil prices is to knock the thermostat down a few degrees. The Department of Energy reports that for every degree cooler, you’ll save between 1-3%. Odds are you won’t notice, either.

While a colder home in winter may not sound appealing, consider wearing warmer clothes around the house. Not only will this keep you warmer than keeping the thermostat high, but it will also give you a chance to try that new sweater you just bought.

Some pieces of clothing, such as socks and slippers, are very effective at keeping heat inside your body.

But what if you don’t want a continuously cold home?

You can also only turn down your thermostat at specific times. If you are out of the house the entire day, there’s not much point in keeping your house nice and toasty.

Likewise, knocking it down a few degrees while you’re sleeping can also yield some high savings.

3. Consider Buying a Programmable Thermostat

If you’re still using a traditional dial thermostat then you are missing out on a variety of new features.

Programmable thermostats are one option that allows you to fine-tune your home’s heating system. You can set the thermostat to automatically lower the temperature when you are out of the house. It will then warm up only when you are there to enjoy it.

Some thermostats even come with the option to create different heating zones. If you want your bathroom to be nice and toasty, but your bedroom to be cool and crisp, you can do that.

Most hardware stores sell programmable thermostats for around $50-$100. Installation is straightforward and simple with clear instructions.

Programmable thermostats allow you to have greater flexibility over your home’s temperature and come with the benefit of giving you extra savings.

4. Take Advantage of the Sun

The sun may shine less in winter than in summer, but you can still take advantage of the sun’s warmth in the morning and afternoon.

Make sure any blinds or curtains are wide open when the sun is shining, and your home will be warmer as a result. You’ll also be surprised at the amount of natural night that can enter your home even in winter.

At nighttime, cover your windows to prevent any heat loss while the temperature is colder and the sun is gone. This will help the heat that entered your home during the day stay.

You can also consider investing in windows designed with new glass. These windows will cut radiant heat loss and keep heat inside your home where it belongs.

Make sure you and your home are taking advantage of the most powerful heating system, the sun.

5. Service Your Heating System

You can weatherproof your home as much as possible and sometimes still have heat loss. What gives?

Odds are your heating system is due for a checkup. Oil and electric heating systems should get checked up at least once a year. This will let them operate at peak efficiency.

yearly service contract will ensure that your furnace is ready for any winter storm, no matter how severe. For an annual flat rate, all required parts and maintenance will be provided.

One thing you can do on your own is to make sure that the filters of your heating system are clean and clear. This will also help keep costs down.

If your furnace is more than 20 years old, it is probably time to upgrade. New heating systems are much more efficient, and the savings can be huge.

Give your heating system the attention it deserves, and it’ll thank you as a result!

Let Us Help You Manage Your Oil Heat Bill

It is possible to still keep your home warm and also keep your oil heat bill down. Look into weatherproofing your home, smartly using an efficient thermostat, and making sure your heating system is ready for winter.

If you are in Southeastern Pennsylvania or Northern Delaware, Sperr’s is happy to help you with any of your fuel delivery or HVAC service needs.

You shouldn’t have to choose between high bills and feeling warm. Contact us today to make sure your home is ready for winter.